Friday, June 6, 2008

A lesson from Grandma "Gee Gee"

My mom was in town this last weekend from Seattle to celebrate Mindy and Jordan's birthdays. Perhaps she just can't help spoiling us, but I must say from my perspective that Mom is one of the most serving people I know. She will clean and love doing it because of the help it gives. She will sit and just talk if that is what is needed. And she will play with the kids for hours on the floor when I can only take about 15 minutes. I accuse her of being an enabler to the people around her, but the reality is she just loves to be there for others.

Mom, thanks for teaching me to care for others. We miss you already. Thanks for coming down and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

1 comment:

jeanette rogers said...

Michael, thank you for your comments.(made me cry) I know I have said this so many times, but it bares repeating. After I gave birth to you, raising you, and Joe was the best most exciting thing I have ever done in my life. I loved you so much that when your Joe came along he was named after you. Some people think that is silly, but I think of it as pure love on both of your behaves. Now that I have the most wonderful grandchildren in the world I once again feel that God has blessed me. And Mindy is by far the best daughter in law one could ever ask for. You see I dont think of taking care of my family as a chore, I think of it as an honor. An honer because of all the faults that I have done in my life I still have been able to give my children the love and emotional support that they should have. Now that God has blessed me with these buitiful grandchildren I can only cont with that love that support and that guideing that I gave to my own children. I have made many mistakes in my life, but my kids and my grandchildren are the one thing that will always make me feel perfect. perfect in the fact that I can love and care and always be there when needed. Since the day you were born I knew that God had special plans for you. You are my light. I love you so much. Give my love to the family, I miss them very much too.
mom/grandma gee gee